Cyan LeBlanc

Hello… I’m Cyan LeBlanc (obviously a pen name). Writing professionally has always been a love/hate relationship for me as I love to create these elaborate ideas but yet, I can’t execute them worth shit. Or at least I think… the readers have other opinions. I started writing when I was sixteen years old when I penned a short story about a blow-up shark floaty that rests at the bottom of a pool and kills all the swimmers except a little chubby girl. It was a love story.

Over the years, I dabbled real person fan fiction before I actually knew it was called fan fiction. It wasn’t until 2012 that I decided to write my first self-published novella, Something Wilder which was originally released under the pen name J.R. Morgan. As J.R. Morgan, I released a handful of novellas and novels until 2015 when I scrapped the idea that I could actually be a professional writer.

At that point, what I did write ended up on Wattpad because I didn’t want to give up writing and I yearned for instant gratification with reads, likes, and comments. I got none of that but kept plugging away because I liked the ideas whether they were good, worked, or even had so many plot holes that it sank like the Titanic. With an arsenal of stories (most still unpublished), I decided to give a few favorites a self-polish with the help of a few new friends and gave another shot to self-publishing. This was in 2022 under a new pen name of Jae T Ryter.

At this same time, I began associating with a group of authors who wrote Sapphic fiction. With the straight romance world so saturated, the Sapphic community had room for more. To distinguish my brand, I adopted a new pen name, Cyan LeBlanc, to focus on Sapphic characters. This led to the retirement of Jae T Ryter and all things straight. As a transmasc lesbian, I could relate much more personally with Sapphic characters so it was a great switch.

In 2023, I branched out from Sapphic romance to Sapphic horror, blending the elements of extreme horror, splatterpunk, erotica, and romance into one. While this doesn’t quite sit well in the Sapphic community, I have learned there is a growing community of queer horror, which doesn’t have enough lesbian representation at the moment. I, along with others, are working on changing that.

In 2024, I teamed up with authors D.L. Winchester and Rebecca Cuthbert to form an indie press called Undertaker Books. Together, we are releasing our own works as well as those from other talented authors of horror of all types.