History of Works · May 7, 2024 0

The History of “Open Your Eyes”

Next up in the history books is a novella that I released when I was first starting out in the Sapphic fiction. The intention for the book was to be released as a “reader magnet,” which is a short story that is given away in exchange for an email address to sign up for my newsletter. I guess it did it’s job because over the two years it has been out, it has been downloaded over 1800 times.

The story was written back in 2009 when I was writing fan fiction for the Hannah Montana fandom. I am not embarrassed to say that. It is about two best friend who are afraid to tell the other one they like them. It’s a coming of age story as the main characters are still in high school.

The spice level is not really hot… a mild teenage romp, but as with all my stories there is a bit of darkness as one of the girls’ boyfriend wants to get a little TOO handsy, and wants more than the main character wants to give. Obviously because she is in love with someone else.

One of my weakest issues with writing is short stories. I don’t feel like I can develop the characters and the situation enough when it is not a novel or longer novella. It is also one of my first releases, so the writing was still very amateur. Its not my best work. I’ve thought about pulling all of my older releases because they don’t represent who I am now as a writer but I decided against it. I like having a large catalog.

While the book is available on Amazon, and some people do buy it, its is considered a freebie. So, if you would like to download a copy of this short little romance… it’s free.